Amy and Joe’s Stunning Pre-Wedding Shoot at Sunset
I love how much my couples love and appreciate photography. My beautiful bride-to-be Amy is the absolute ‘Selfie Queen!’ She absolutely adores photos – taking them, being in them, documenting her and Joe’s adventures and best bits. Joe may not love the selfies quite so much but he sure is good infront of the camera! Last night we ventured to a stunning spot in the Staffordshire Moorlands. One that Amy stumbled across accidentally whilst cycling home from work on a different route and I am so thrilled she found it! We were crossing our fingers all week that we would be treated to a sunset for the shoot and thankfully for us, it didn’t disappoint! Here is a highlight of what we got up to. I’ve done a video for those of you who CBA scrolling and popped the pics for you below. Thanks so much Amy and Joe for embracing the gusty winds, chilly evening air and dancing your way through sunset!
Amy and Joe will be tying the knot next July at one of my all time favourite venues Sandhole Oak Barn which i adore because it has legendary sunsets – i’m hoping we get one just like this on their wedding day! If you’d like to see more images from their beautiful wedding venue I have a blog you can take a look at by clicking here!
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