Rome Wedding Photographer – Tivoli Wedding Photography – Destiation Photographer
Destination Wedding in Rome
If Carlsberg did weddings…
They would most definitely chose a stunning bride and groom, put them in one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in the world and of course have me to photograph it! 😉 I hope I did them proud!
When Vic got in touch to discuss her wedding plans I remember actually happy dancing around my office! If my memory serves me right – Vic was also doing the same back at hers and for the last 12 months I have been absolutely buzzing with anticipation. I knew immediately that for us to get the most epic of photos I would need a second pair of hands and without doubt those would have to be Chris from Carpe Diem Photography. Thank you Chris for being amazing, as always.
Touching down in Rome, nerves were high. Lets just say that things hadn’t got off to a good start for our bride and groom with the bag containing John’s suit, Vic’s evening wedding dress and veil being left behind at Manchester airport! Luckily we were flying a couple of days behind them and after the terrifying declaration from Manchester airport that the bag was likely already destroyed for security reasons a friend was able to collect it and deliver it to us so that we could bring it with us on our flight. So glad nobody asked us the question ‘did you pack this bag yourself…
Rome Wedding Photographer
Vic and John stayed at the beautiful Dharma Luxury Hotel which was the perfect place for us to capture both Vic and John’s preparations on the morning of the wedding. Of couse, I also couldn’t mention the happy couple without their beautiful little boy Teddy!
Tivoli Town Hall Wedding
John and Vic chose to tie the knot in the beautiful Italian village of Tivoli. It was around a 45 minute drive out of Rome but the views enroute were beautiful! The ceremony took place in the most beautiful room inside of the town hall which had large murals on the walls and stunning light streaming through the windows. I was thanking my lucky stars it was so beautiful because for the entirety of the ceremony it chucked it down like a Bank Holiday Monday in the UK. Apparently Rome hasn’t seen such a bad May in 50 years. We were feeling rather apprehensive about getting photos outside and I often worried if Vic’s tears during the ceremony were more to do with the fact the heavens had opened or if the realisation that she was actually marrying John! To be fair, most of us weren’t actually sure it was a real wedding and joked that the lovely gent with his ceremonial sash could have actually been reciting his shopping list for all that we knew. Regardless though, he was very smiley and they got to sign an official looking bit of paper so we’re crossing our fingers the marriage bit actually happened!
Wedding Photography Rome
Thankfully there was a break in the rain following the ceremony to allow us all to make our way outside to the waiting cars and head back on in to Rome. There was one very special spot to visit on our way which was the Orange Gardens more formally named Parco Savello. It was here that John proposed to Vic and apparently it took him 3 visits and attempts to do it! I can certainly see why he chose this location to pop the question though. The views over Rome were incredible as were the people. Romantic guitars playing, tourists applauding, parting to allow us to take photos and even helping out holding Vic’s veil in the breeze. Vic and John also get some extra ‘nut job’ points awarded to them for standing on the wall with what must have been a 100ft sheer drop the other side. Photos look good though so thanks guys! It was also a first that I had to hand feed a groom paprika pringles whilst he held the bride’s dress and walked. Multi tasking and teamwork at it’s very best!
Destination wedding in Rome
Following our amazing time in the Orange Garden and spending time in the exact spot John proposed we headed for some food that was a little more sophisticated than our pre-meal snack of paprika pringles. We headed on over to the wonderful I Sofa Bar, Restaurant and Roof Terrace. The rooftop views there were absolutely insane as was the food and wine!
Thank you so much John and Vic for treating us like guests and wining and dining us – pretty sure i wined it a bit too hard but as the saying goes ‘when in Rome!’ After the rather generous wine went to our heads we realised it was time to head back to the hotel and fit in our planned nana nap. A 3.30am alarm was heading our way along with a chauffer driven car and the big sights of central Rome. It was truly spectacular to have the opportunity to see the incredible fountains, steps, monuments and buildings at a time when most people were sound asleep. I say most because although we arrived to an empty Trevi Fountain it appeared all the drunk people of Rome decided to arrive at the exact same time for us. Chris managed to make a new ‘friend’ who was practically trying to sit on his lap whilst shooting before then attempting to get in our car with us. That wasn’t happening!
Spanish Steps Rome
After dodging the drunks at the Trevi fountain our driver took us on to the Spanish Steps otherwise known as Scalinata di Trinita dei Monti.
Thankfully these were completely free from the party animals 🙂 Vic likes to joke how John ‘likes a good step’ and how he made her climb them all whilst pregnant. This time they got the steps all to themselves, although instead of a growing baby, Vic had to battle them in her heels!
The Colosseum Rome
We did take quite a few more pics at The Colosseum but it’s taken me an age just to edit out all of the road signs, bins and graffiti from one so that’s all you’re seeing for now! I will get some more edited very soon though when I get to do the full wedding gallery. There was another angle we wanted to shoot from that we had spied the day before, which was over fence you shouldn’t really climb. Tourists during the day ignored it in so many numbers that they got away with it. At 5.15am I wasn’t fancying out chances considering the area was swarming with armed officers and we kinda stood out like a sore thumb. Our flight was departing in a few hours so we figured it wasn’t worth the jail time!
Vatican City Rome Wedding
The last stop on the list was truly stunning. Just as the sun had risen we arrived at The Vatican and I was absolutely blown away! Again, the area was really quiet apart from the ever present police but to be fair they did try to stay out of my shot.
Thank you so much Vic and John for allowing us to capture your special day. We really had the absolute best time with you both and you looked phenomenal!
If you or someone you know is planning a destination wedding and is looking for an English speaking photographer who will travel then send them over my way! I might have a weird welsh/stoke/scouse/cheshire accent these days but I love to travel! Get me on that plane!