Engagement Shoots/ Pre-Wedding Photos
If there is one thing I am faced with on a regular basis in my consultations, it is the look of general confusion and and fear at the mention of pre-wedding shoots. If you are anything like me you absolutely hate photos of yourself (unless you'e rocking an epic snapchat filter and slightly buzzed with alcohol). I'm really not joking when I say that I can take some pretty epic photos behind the camera. Put me infront of it though and it's a whole different matter! I panic. Everything I know about posing and holding my body to help me look my best goes out the window and I turn into a bumbling mess who laughs wildly with nerves and the appearance of at least three chins is inevitable. I suck at having my photo taken. So, I hear you ask - why would we book a pre-wedding shoot if we hate having our photo taken? Just bear with me because i'm going to go off on a little tangent...
A little story about Helen...
More than any amount of technical photography skill/talent I may possess with my camera equipment, I believe my most valuable strength is the ability to help people feel and communicate. If you have taken some time to read about me (you can find it here) you'll know that before I dived into the crazy world of wedding photography I was in fact a high school drama teacher. For almost nine years I spent my life teaching 11-19 year olds how to communciate; self belief; the confidence to be speak up and share ideas as part of a team. The most important thing for me was that my students, regardless of their level of natural talent developed the belief that they could achieve, show progress and had something to offer. Second to that was that they had fun! Finally, if they left school at the end of it with a qualification, the ability to perform confidently on stage and could keep up with the high brow theatre luvvies that was a Brucie-bonus! I'm super proud of so many of my students and it's incredible to see how many of them now have full time careers within the performing arts industry and are pursuing what they love. In a way, watching them go and chase their dreams in what is an incredibly tough and competitive industry spurred me on to chase mine and here I am.
Nice story. What does it have to do with me?
Anyway, back to the matter at hand and you guys wondering what that story has to do with you... If there is one thing I can do it is inspire confidence; I can (and will) break things down for you with regards to posing; and most importantly we will have fun. The fear from having a camera pointed in your direction will go. I promise. I can say, hand on heart that all of my couples leave a pre-shoot with the parting words of: 'I quite enjoyed that.' 'That was pretty good actually.' 'I'm not worried about having our photos taken on the day now.' 'Wow! We've never had a nice photo taken together like that.' If having your photos taken sounds like your idea of hell, book a pre-wedding shoot. The experience of the shoot itself will fill you with confidence on your big day because you know what to expect. You'll already have a fantastic gallery of images in which you will look incredible and when you have a million and one other things to panic over on the big day, photography won't be one of them. If you're relaxed in front of me and my camera on your wedding day, I guarantee your photos will be more relaxed, authentic and a true document of all of your emotions and experiences. You'll also rock your couples portraits and have some gorgeous images of you both for you and future generations to treasure. If everything I have said hasn't resonated with you because you love having your photo taken - lets go and take some more epic shots of you both! After all, you're hopefully only going to do this one. You might aswell make the most of it!
You've captured my attention. Give me some more info.
Pre wedding shoots are priced at £250 and on average last around 90 mins and can take place at a location of your choice (travel is included within 30 miles of CW2). Between the months of April and November pre-shoots are only available during the week. This usually works out fine though as I love to shoot where possible during the last hour of daylight known as Golden Hour. This means that during the longer summer days it's possible to do your shoots after work and not have to take any time off. I can of course shoot during the day too if that works better for you. As my weekend workload and wedding numbers lower between November and March there is scope for some Saturday sessions to be booked if this suits you both better. After the shoot you will be delivered a minimum of 25 images (often more) in high resolution and with printing rights. If your pre-wedding shoot is booked at the time of signing your contract a beautiful A3 print of your choice will be mounted and available to use as a signing frame for your guests at your wedding. If booking the pre-shoot at a later date, the signing boards can be added onto your pre-shoot price for £50.
Going on an adventure? Take me with you!
It would be an absolute dream to shoot some stunning destination engagement photos. I am super keen to shoot some pre-wedding images in London, Paris, Rome, New York, Venice and Iceland to name but a few. As much as I love my local area and we have some beautiful spots nearby i'm itching to break free and go further afield. So if you have any short breaks/holidays coming up or just fancy going on an adventure somewhere and doing something extra special for your photos, please do let me know. So long as I have the availability in my schedule, I'll be there!