the page where excitement builds and stalking begins...
2023 Editing Queue
i promise i am doing the best i can!
Hello to all of my incredible couples! First of all, thank you so very much for letting me capture your special days! I don't think there would be any doubt scrolling down through the page that you all looked incredible and treated me to some beautiful days! I have loved each and every one of them.
And then there was freaking close!!!
The finish line is in sight! I literally haven't been up to date with my editing queue since June 2021! It's been one hell of a ride post covid and I will do my best to get these out to you as soon as I can. I can then try to remember what it's like to not have this ginormous weight and pressure on my shoulders and crack onto finally doing some painting and decorating and making this house I bought a home rather than somewhere my stuff is dumped! Thank you as always for your continued patience and support. You have all been superstars!
Much love,
Helen xxx
And then there was freaking close!!!
The finish line is in sight! I literally haven't been up to date with my editing queue since June 2021! It's been one hell of a ride post covid and I will do my best to get these out to you as soon as I can. I can then try to remember what it's like to not have this ginormous weight and pressure on my shoulders and crack onto finally doing some painting and decorating and making this house I bought a home rather than somewhere my stuff is dumped! Thank you as always for your continued patience and support. You have all been superstars!
Much love,
Helen xxx

Currently editing...
Ailbhe and Pete
31st December 2023
Oddfellows on the Park

I get my life back!
Helen, Neil, Daisy & Mabel (the kittens) and Sammy the hamster
Never actually had a day off together without needing to do some kind of work - not even an exaggeration. Neil and I got together in Feb 2022 and have both been non-stop since!
Hoping to relax in our home!